Sunday, September 27, 2009

CSC134 additional assignment

Test 2 (part C)
Question 2

The process of developing a new system will have to follow a strict order of cycle called the system development cycle. Explain in details about this activities involve in each phase.

The system development cycle is about the developing a new system which has to follow the strict order. The first step of the development cycle is planning where the computer will plan on how to develop the new system. Then it will analyse the data in order to divide which data should be fix or remove. After that, it will design the new system to replace the older system and then will implement it in the computer. Finally, all the data of the new software will be registered for the authority support in order to secure the computer.

Question 3

The advancement of computing industry and computer networking bring about major threat to mankind especially in the area of information privacy. Security is breached and identities are stolen by culprits for personal gain. Identify ways the culprits use to access personal information and what we can do to stop this issue once at all, by using the including available technologies that can determine our true identities especially when we go online.

The ways that the culprits use to access the personal information is by sending a spyware to the computer. This spyware will take the information about the users and send it to the culprits. Next, the culprits also may can use a virus in order to access the one's personal information where the virus for example will spoil or damage the security system of the computer. So, the computer will be easily exploited by the culprits. The example of these viruses are like worm and trojan. Worm virus will duplicate the files and will make the computer hang or jammed. The trojan virus will cause the infected files corrupted. So, if the security files of the computer will no longer protect the computer. Hence, the culprits can be easily access the person's personal information.

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